Sunday, December 14, 2008

My planted ones part 2

Here's another lot of plants I planted in the CG.

The mosquito plant I bought from Far East Flora when I visited Hort Park earlier in the month.
It is doing well too. Those I tried to propagate using the leaves all failed on me. According to HL, I have to use the stems instead. I'll let it grow a little stronger before I propagate them using the stems.

Update 7/1/09 .... Pelargonium survived.

Here's the Mugwort grown from the stem cuttings. They are doing well.

Update 7/1/09 ..... Mugwort survived.

Mulberry cuttings planted a few days ago. I have ten of these cuttings in the planter bed. Sending good vibes for them to root and leaf. These are from the big mulberry plant that's growing in the CG. Since it's too bushy to fruit, I gave it a pruning and hopefully fruits will appear some time later.

Update 7/1/09 .... Mulberry mother plant not fruiting yet. Five stem cuttings showed leaves sprouting.

The Pennywort was grown from stem cuttings too. I just planted them into the soil after cutting a clump out from the main herb planter bed.

Update 7/1/09 .... Pennywort growing well with lots of new leaves.

Planted these a couple of days ago. I want to use these to cover the planter beds. They are grown from stem cuttings too. Let see how it goes.

Update 7/1/09 .... Zebrina cuttings .... didn't see any new leaves growing yet.


Jackie said...


i stumped your lovely garden via little Corner of Mine, on the Golden Raisin cookies.

i planted the Pennywort in water and it grows very well.

Chawanmushi said...

Hi Jackie
Thanks for dropping by :-)

Pennywort is a very easy growing plant ... only thing is that it loves water LOL