Thursday, July 2, 2009

'Verticalscaping' the Vertical Frame

I'm still in the process of learning how to mix and match plants on the vertical frame. I asked for help at the forum and the youngman at the GCS forum gave me some suggestions and even made the effort to draw out what he explanined to me. Thanks Grandiflora!

Here are some plants which I'm growing and trying out on the vertical frame .... Not all of them are suitable and I'm still in the process of planning and growing plants for filling up nine inch pots of compost.


Here's the idea of 'verticalscaping' from Grandiflora ....

The color scheme here is very helpful for me to put the kinds of plants together to create the effect. Now it's the task of getting suitable plants, growing them bushy enough to be put on the vertical frame to hide the sight of the bamboo poles. My guess is that it would take many more months before I can complete this project of mine.


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